Sunday, April 3, 2011

Daniel's Student Council March 26, 2011

Let me begin this post with recognition of our Daniels Student Council, who helped put in a backyard for the Habitat House for Humanity that was to be blessed the next day on Sunday March 27, 2011. It was amazing to witness the dedication and hard work of our council. They collected rocks, picked up trash, smoothed out topsoil, raked, seeded and raked over the seed. It was a lot of sweat but a meaningful experience. The devotion for the morning provided by a Habitat volunteer, spoke about the need to understand that no matter what project we take on, we need to treat it like it was our own, be accountable for our job, who knows it my end up being our in the end! This lesson was certainly applied by my second graders through fifth graders, who arrived with energy and with questions of "what do I need to do next?" They acted as if the backyard was theirs. It was probably the first hottest and most humid weekend, but they worked through it! It is all about building responsibility and respect, through leadership! I am so proud of them all! Thanks to all the helpful parents and grandparents that brought the students, and worked too!

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