Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hello there mustangs!,
                       Spring is here and the challenge lab has been very busy lately.  We have had alot of things to catch up on.  From first grade projects to city hall visits,robotics visiting the da Vinci robot to student council going to Habitat for Humanity.  Speaking of which the Student Council is volunteering
to go work at Habitat for Humanity this Saturday, they will work really hard!  Please enjoy the following pictures of our events!!!!!!!:)


                                               Third graders working with the da Vinci machine at the Peterson Hospital.

                                       First graders and their projects.  Way to go first grade!!!

                                     Student council at Habitat for Humanity.  Keep on helping out guys!

Student council taking a trip to the Kerrville City Hall.

Thank you for taking some time to check the blog.  Will post more things after the event on Saturday.

  Thank You,
        Liz Twiss

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