Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Daniels Student Council Provides Good Will and Cheer at the 2nd Annual Triathlon

A Great Day in Kerrville!  Enjoy as you glance through some of the pictures taken during the September 29, 2012 Kerrville Triathlon Festival!

The overcast, cool and drizzly weather at 6:45 a.m. did not stop our Daniels Student Council members as they cheered the athletes on during the 2nd Annual Kerrville Triathlon Festival!  Actually the weather was perfect for the athletes, as they competed to meet personal goals.  We had a great time filling up water and Gatorade cups at our three different stations.  One team was stationed at Notre Dame, another team was stationed at Louis Hays Park and the final station was located in Rios Robles.  We had two other faculty members volunteer to help, along with several dedicated parents!  Our student council was contributing to the community to help make this event successful.  This event brings in a great deal of revenue to our fine city of Kerrville.  So we wanted to make everyone feel welcomed and wish them the best as they competed.  It is also a great chance to watch some very serious and determined people achieve a goal.

I personally am very thankful for all the parent and teacher support we received to make it possible for our kids to go out and help!  Looking forward to next year!  I am including some pictures that our archivist took throughout the morning!  Way to Go!

1 comment:

Teri said...

YEAH! So proud of all of students that went out there and cheered on the athletes. You really encouraged them.