Friday, March 2, 2012

Daniels continues to demonstrate many accomplishments in all areas!

Successful String Orchestra Concert 4-5th Daniels and Nimitz at BTW led by Ms. Jessica Lee

3rd grade Biomes study group developing project!

Life in the dessert is challenging according to these boys who are researching the topic!

It is a web of connections as this young lady ties her work together.

Research on K-2, the mountain, brings high expectations to learning.

Budding architects!

Group collaboration for collage project!

Daniels Student Council is challenging each homeroom to create a jingle.  The jingle is to remind all students to sell at least 10 raffle tickets a piece for Spring Fling! This group is making posters to encourage participation!
Spring Fling will be held on April 13th from 5:30-8:00

Student council committee members meet to brainstorm ideas for random acts of kindness!

Our archivist in action!

First grade working on extension project!

academic computer games

Darling dragon stories by Kinders!

5th grade study group iPod Touch demonstration during week of February 21-23, 2012
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