Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Candidates preparing for upcoming Student Council Election

What is the name of the recipe for a speech, poster making, and understanding an election process?  Daniels Student Council Election time!

A flurry of activity has been occurring in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade levels as student candidates prepare to elect and run for our new slate of officers.  The opportunity to run for an office is open to all students maintaining a "B" overall average in their academics.  Once students return their permission slip, each homeroom class votes for one student (in their class) that demonstrates good character and leadership.  From that winning pool, the students attend a how to write a speech session, followed by how to create a poster, then they actually make one.  The next step is to hang the poster, give the speech and then vote for the best candidate.

In our school we have Fifth graders run for office of president, Fourth graders run for vice president, and secretary, and Third graders run for archivist.

I am attaching pictures of our candidates.  They are either giving speeches or creating posters.

Good Luck to all students!  I am proud of all the students pride and efforts!

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