Thursday, February 24, 2011

NASA Inventor shares his stories with our third grade inventors!

Mr. Dale Denais and Daniels Third Grade Extension Group, sharing his inventions he designed for NASA
Daniels third grade extension group was privileged to have Dale Denais, a retired NASA mechanical engineer/project manager/inventor, take time to share his inventions and stories with us!   He brought with him his Hand Held Maneuvering Unit (HHMU) which allowed astronauts to propell forward or backwards during their spacewalks.  Ed White was one astronaut he worked with closely in using this invention.  You can also find this invention in the Smithsonian Institute and at the Johnson Space Center. Another invention was a telephoto lens that he redesigned to be a range finder to help measure the distance between the U.S. Apollo and the Russian Soyuz when they planned a space dock together.  Denais was also involved with inventing a camera that could with stand the extreme temperature of the  moon.  The camera was one of the cameras used to document the first walk on the moon.  Mr. Denais explained the value of team work to get projects completed, in addition, he was a part of the team that worked to assist in the Apollo 13 solutions.  (His camera was also on board that mission).He was involved in many different projects from the Apollo to the Space shuttle.

First Grade Science Extension Group Studies the Space Shuttle

First grade science extension group made space shuttle gliders in class.
These first grade students are learning about the space shuttle. They can tell you how the shuttle lifts off, and how it returns.  They learned about the external fuel tank and the two SRB's (Solid Rocket Boosters).  We talked about the space shuttle Discovery, which has it final flight, making it the 39th flight, scheduled this week, and with one more flight scheduled for the Space Shuttle Endeavor, on April 19, 2011.  From  then on it is left to the Russian's to carry the astronauts, and supplies back and forth to the International Space Station.  There is a six member crew on the Discovery and they will deliver a storage module, a science rig, and spare parts during it's 11 day mission.

Fourth grade prepares experiment for Hansel and Gretel Trial

A great group using their scientific method procedures for fairy tales on trial

Mixing the "Royal " icing!

Perfecting the candy house

Team work!
You think you know what really happened in Grimm's Fairy Tale, Hansel and Gretel, but, be prepared, Daniels Fourth Grade is preparing to put these two children on trial!  Of course before any trial begins, there must be some evidence.   The students are working on five different experiments using the scientific method .  One of the experiments that the students are performing is, to find out if the witch's house would have survived the climate change ocurring during the time period of the 1300's when the story unfolded.  As they researched the story they realized that one of the reasons Hansel and Gretel ( and other children) were taken into the forest was in part related to the climates mini-freeze. Crops were not growing, famine was inevitable and the people did not have enough food to feed their children.  So, they took them to the forest and left them there.  Some of the other experiments are What creatures would eat the bread crumbs?, What is the difference between a new moon and a full moon? and How did Hansel and Gretel know when it was noon?  Our trial will be held at the Kerr County Courthouse in May.

4th Grade Literature Group Prepares Escape Bags for Anne Frank

Fourth grade students are preparing their own escape bag for Anne Frank.  First, each student sewed their own bag, and decorated them.  Now they are preparing it with things that they think Anne would have placed inside the bag- (things that were dear to her such as pictures, books).  Anne would take the bag with her if they were forced to flee the Secret Annexe.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Student council members loading up the cans-

How are we going to get all of this on the bus?

Waiting for the bus...Good thing it is only 39 degrees today, and no wind!

We made it to C.A.M.!  Lots of strong Student Council Members!
Volunteer Tom and Dan Sebesta in background
Once again I am overwhelmed by the out pouring of kindness and generousity of our student body here at Tom Daniels!  Our students collected over 1500 items to send to C.A.M, to help fill there shelves!  I know because we carried the boxes and bags to the foyer, then we carried them to the bus that took our students to C.A.M., then we unloaded the boxes  from the bus to the two large crates!  Several people from C.AM. where there to greet us, Ms. Pratt, Tom, and Dan Sebesta, Vice President in charge of C.A.M.  Our students must feel good to know that they are helping so many others!  Thank you Mustangs!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fourth grade Goes to Trial at Kerr Court House!

Jury members have comfortable chairs to help them listen to all sides

Baliff Charlie Witt

Judge Williams

Court Reporter

Future Judges!

The computer operations room!
On Tuesday morning, February 8, 2011 the fourth grade had a wonderful opportunity to take a tour of the Kerr County Court House, and sit in on a trial.  We were met by Baliff Charlie Witt and taken into Judge Emerson's court.  We listened to Judge Williams share information about how the court proceeds and the importance of picking a jury.  We all had a chance to strike the court reporters machine, her job is key to the courtroom!  Retired Judge Abels, stopped by and talked briefly with the students.  We then ventured into the holding cells and then saw the jury deliberation room.  Baliff Charlie Witt, took us to the computer operations room and showed us how he monitors the whole court house!  Finally, Judge Peoples from San Antonio allowed us to sit in on a very important trial that was in session.  He stopped and introduced us to all the attorney's and gave the students a chance to ask questions of the attorney's.  This was a fascinating trip and the students represented Tom Daniels well!

Journey through January: Students in the lab

marvelous marble run!

Making Kinnex connections

4th Literature Study group-Anne Frank

3rd grade extensions:  Plotting earthquakes

4th  developing a radio broadcast script for Anne Frank

A strategy game of Mancala-who will win?

5th grade masters of mastery in math

Tom Daniels Peer Mediation Team practicing scenarios

Peer Mediation team tackling serious issues

Electric snap circuits a charged activity
The month of cold weather has not put a chill on the activity in the Challenge Lab!  It has been extremely active! Over 1270 students have dropped-in to engage in strategy games or in a study group this past six weeks.  Kudos to these students that are mastering! Mustangs are maximizing their learning!  I am including a few random pictures of lab visits!

Student Council Travels to Habitat for Humanity Work site

Friday January 21, 201, All of our Tom Daniels Student Council members were invited to take a tour of the Habitat for Humanity worksite here in Kerrville.   Dan Mitchell, the construction manage, led the tour explaining how we were fortunate to see the 5 different stages of the building of the houses.  They had just poured the foundation of one, another was framed, another house had the dry wall up, a fourth house had the trim, paint and doors on, and the fifth house was just about complete, they were adding landscape.
We learned that the Kerrville Habitat had been in existence for 20 years.  In order to qualify for a habitat for humanity house, you must fill out an application.  Once you are apporved, you and your family put in "sweat equity" to use as your down payment!  Our student council will be returning to help clean-up the grounds by picking up trash and sweeping.  We are not able to help build yet, you have to be at least 16.  It was a great trip!